Word Whamzee Fun Puzzler
Word Whamzee Fun Puzzler is a free game app for Android that belongs to the category Word and has been developed by FunCraft Games. It has over 1,000,000+ installs and a 4.8 star user aggregate rating score. Its features include the ability to play with friends, challenge random opponents and test your word skills in this unique take on a classic board game!
If you love crosswords and Scrabble, Word Whamzee will feel like a home run. It’s the best way to expand your vocabulary in a relaxing and rewarding experience. Plus, games are 5 rounds and quick so you can always have something new to do with your friends or even random opponents.
With the ability to play on a bigger screen, you can also use your mouse and keyboard to help you get the most out of your experience. You can easily switch between the different backgrounds and settings, so you’ll never be bored with this relaxing word game.
With the simple and lightweight Memu Play Android emulator, you can download and play Word Whamzee on your PC or laptop in minutes. All you need is a computer or laptop with an internet connection and a working mouse and keyboard. Once you’ve downloaded the software, follow the on-screen instructions to install it. Once you’re done, you can find the Google Playstore app on the Memu home screen and double-click to open it. From there, you can start downloading and playing Word Whamzee on your Windows PC!